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Core Dialogues Radio: Jackie Stavros – management professor, consultant, and co-creator of SOAR

Jackie Stavros – management professor, consultant, and co-creator of SOAR

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This week on Core Dialogues Radio, Jackie Stavros – management professor, consultant, and co-creator of SOAR— shares her strengths-based approach to strategic planning. And it all lies in her SOAR framework.

As an alternate methodology to traditional SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) is based on the principles of Appreciative Inquiry—a change management process built on the premise that organizations will move in the direction of their focus.

Jackie says that if you focus on what is not working, then your organization is likely to continue not working in the way that you want it to. Instead, your organization should focus on its greatest aspirations. You and your organization will eventually figure out how to get there.

Essentially, it’s all about engaging people within an organization to identify and deliver their desired goals.

Take a listen below, and give it a try. I have personally used this process for many years and trust me when I say…it works.

>>Connect with Jackie at

Core Dialogues Radio: Episode 3-Guests: Lee Murphy with Inspera Health


Lee Murphy has spent over three decades innovating in the health improvement and employee benefits industries. For the past 20 years he has focused on building businesses that improve the health of those living with multiple chronic conditions. Lee believes in the human capacity for change, in the innate desire for better health, and the power of engaged participation. He knows that our health care system outcomes can be improved significantly for those with multiple chronic conditions by the Inspera Health approach. Lee is proud to lead an organization that encourages and enhances individual transformation. It’s a privilege for him to see individuals thrive, supported by their renewed hope that empowers health improvement. Lee has a Ph.D. in Values Driven Leadership from Benedictine University. He is a long time triathlete and marathon runner. He and his wife share a passion that for-profit organizations need to be a catalyst for positive global benefit. 

Core Dialogues Radio Ep. 2-Guests: Rick Duke / Founding Director-Center for Entrepreneurship University of West Florida

Background Rick Duke

Rick Duke/UWF
Founding Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at UWF

Builder of the “the best university-based economic development organization in the country.” – Innovation Associates, 2005

I am an accomplished Executive Leader with a strong record of success and national reputation as an expert in Economic Development, University/Public/Private Sector Partnerships and Healthcare/Eldercare opportunities with the three Higher Education institutions. As a highly effective, original and visionary thinker, I mentor and lead teams creating and implementing innovative economic development, industry and public health to grow organizations and jobs, increase efficiency, enhance quality, build communities and improve life.

I have raised millions in funds for new and existing programs by identifying potential partners and donors; soliciting, cultivating and nurturing relationships; developing and writing award-winning grant and proposal packages; and effectively marketing organizations.

I direct large, multimillion organizations by leading, guiding, mentoring and motivating a large, more than 100-person workforce. I am highly sought after as an expert speaker for local, regional and national venues on Economic Development and Aging Services issues.

I was invited to accompany President Carter on an international economic development mission, based on recognized expertise. I have been noted for exceptional intellectual depth and strong analytical, research and writing skills with the maturity and collaborative expertise to gain trust and confidence of internal and external constituents.

Specialties: business development, community consulting, fundraising, university partnerships, teaching, selling, facilitating, project management, grants, budgeting, leading people, mentoring, healthcare/eldercare industry, economic development


The Center, based in the College of Business, has the potential to reach students from all academic disciplines across the campus. The foundational roles creativity, critical thinking, team-based problem-solving and the innovation process play in complementing traditional entrepreneurial academics will be maximized. The Center’s donor has two priorities-increase enrollment and student retention at UWF. Some co-curricular activities which are both campus and community serving will be pursued.